STOLEN! 10 Famous Recipes So Good, You’ll Never Know That These Restaurants Didn’t Make Them.


9. Coca-Cola’s Recipe


#NAME STOLEN! 10 Famous Recipes So Good, Youll Never Know That These Restaurants Didnt Make Them.


We’re now at a generation that’s way past the rumors that the formula for the world-famous Coke is heavily guarded, because to make one right now, all you need to do:

Add just enough water to completely dissolve 2,400 g of sugar (high-fructose corn syrup can be used as a substitute for half the amount of the sugar needed). Add about 37 g of caramel, 3.1 g of caffeine, and 11 g of phosphoric acid. With toluol, extract cocaine from 1.1 g of coca leaf (Truxillo species of coca is preferred) and then dry the cocaine extract. Soak finely powdered coca leaves and about 0.37 g of finely powdered kola nuts in about 22 g of 20% alcohol. Coca Cola used to use California white wine which was fortified to 20% strength as a soaking solution back in 1909, but Coca-Cola may have since switched to a simpler water/alcohol mixture. After soaking, discard both the powdered coca and kola and add the liquid to the previously prepared syrup. Add 30 g of lime juice or a substitute such as a water solution of citric acid and sodium citrate that has lime-juice strength. Mix 0.88 g of lemon oil, 0.47 g of orange oil, 0.20 g of cassia oil (also known as Chinese cinnamon oil), 0.07 g of nutmeg oil, traces of coriander, lavender, and neroli oils with 4.9 g of 95% alcohol. Shake the mixture. Add 2.7 g of water to the alcohol/oil mixtures and let it stand for about twenty-four hours at about 60 °F (15.5 °C). A cloudy layer should separate after. Remove the clear part of the liquid only and then add the syrup. Add 19 g of vegetable glycerine and 1.5 grams of vanilla extract. Add chlorine-treated water to make 1 gallon of the syrup.

There you have it, your very own Coca-Cola.

Also Read:  10 Weird Ways To Use Coca-Cola

This recipe was taken from Food Flavorings: Composition, Manufacture and Use (2nd Ed.) 1968 by Joseph Merory (AVI Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, CT).

This recipe makes one U.S. gallon (3.8 L) of syrup. It can yield128 bottles, 6.5 fl oz (192 ml)”