STOLEN! 10 Famous Recipes So Good, You’ll Never Know That These Restaurants Didn’t Make Them.
2. KFC Chicken’s Secret Recipe

If you’re not up to making your own Big Mac, you can mock KFC’s famous chicken.
Here’s all you need:
4 chicken leg quarters
3/4 cup flour
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon pepper
2 teaspoons MSG
1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
To start, preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, then cut the chicken into 8 separate pieces, with 4 legs and 4 thighs. Dry all ingredients in a zip lock bag mix. Moisten the chicken, then put one or two pieces at a time into the zip lock bag mix shake well. Put them on an oiled pan after, but make sure to use either peanut or Canola oil so they won’t stick. Bake them for approximately 40-50 minutes or until the chicken is done, but make sure to spoon the oil from the pan on to the chicken parts to brown them properly. Do this intermittently once you’re halfway through the baking process. And there you have it, secret ingredient no more, KFC!