What are dibs?

What are dibs?

The dibs are the knucklebones of a sheep or pebbles used in an old 17th century English game by children. Whenever you’d get a dib, you’d earn a claim.

Why do we have moles?

Why do we have moles?

We have moles because the pigment that gives our skin color is not evenly spread out throughout our body and at places, it would cluster and form moles.

Why does my cat sit on me?

Why does my cat sit on me?

Your cat sits on you because she seeks warmth, security, wants attention, wants to get social and show her affection towards you. Yes, she loves you!

How long does DNA last?

How long does DNA last?

DNA lasts for a little over 1,000 years. For example, scientists have extracted DNA from the leg bones of an extinct moa bird in New Zealand, 500 years old.

Why are there no snakes in Ireland?

Why are there no snakes in Ireland?

There are no snakes in Ireland because it was too cold here during the ace ice and then the country was cut off from the rest of the continent.

Why do songs get stuck in your head?

Why do songs get stuck in your head?

Songs get stuck in your head because of earworms, songs which have quite a fast tempo and a common melodic shape with unusual intervals of repetitions

What are earworms?

What are earworms?

Earworms are undesired catchy tunes that keep repeating in your head. A recent study shows that about 98% of the people living in the western world have

How does duty free work?

How does duty free work?

Duty free is where you go when you want to spend your leftover foreign currency before heading for home. Usually, this happens in the airport which also serves as the border between countries. No matter if you want that or not, you inevitably walk into a duty-free shop to spend your remaining $20 or $50…

Why do paper cuts hurt so much?

Why do paper cuts hurt so much?

Paper cuts hurt so much because the paper is quite rough, much like a saw blade rather than a knife and it does a lot more damage to cells and nerves

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