And This is How it is Done!! Boring tower turned into Colorful Artwork.

And This is How it is Done!! Boring tower turned into Colorful Artwork.

A group of students in Germany transformed this dull electric tower into a stunning piece of art. Passing by it and not noticing it is close to impossible! What the students did was that they cut vibrant pieces of Acrylglas and fixed them along the tower to create an awesome looking visual. The project is titled…

Your Pizza Box isn’t Just meant to serve you Pizza! Here’s Why..

Your Pizza Box isn’t Just meant to serve you Pizza! Here’s Why..

Well, once you see these images, you wouldn’t even dream of throwing away the box in which your Pizza is delivered. If you are one of those who considered a Pizza Box to be hardly of any use, you are mistaken, BIG TIME!   You can use a pizza box to create almost anything – from a…

Check Out These Disney Princesses with a Twist…or Well a BEARD!!

Check Out These Disney Princesses with a Twist…or Well a BEARD!!

Blogger and illustrator Adam Ellis has created a series of images of Disney princesses with not lovely hair or rosy cheeks but Lush Beards! We have to give full marks to the imagination and creativeness of the illustrator who came up with this idea. Otherwise who would have ever imagined Jasmine with a long, black…

Cool Backyard Decor Pictures! You Will Simply Love Them.

Cool Backyard Decor Pictures! You Will Simply Love Them.

  Who doesn’t love to have a beautiful backyard? I think we all. Isn’t it? After all, its the easiest way to impress your friends, relatives, neighbours, etc. That’s the reason why people want to decorate their backyard in a different way. They visit various stores to buy unique furniture and decorative items for their…

AIRPLANE. An Alien Thing For Them. Must Read!

AIRPLANE. An Alien Thing For Them. Must Read!

Airplane is such a common thing for all of us. Especially for a child, who finds some excitement in spotting one when flying over him/her. But could you imagine, in today’s world their are few people who doesn’t even know about airplanes. They don’t know that such a medium for transportation even exists. Weird! Isn’t…

Dogs And Humans Could Be Best Pals. See How?

Dogs And Humans Could Be Best Pals. See How?

Its a common thinking of a person that “I have given a better life to this dog by adopting it.” But have you ever given it a thought that vice-verse is also possible. What I mean is, even dogs can help you live a better and stress-free life. An Australian shelter, The Lost Dogs Home,…

Looking at the World through a Microscope

Looking at the World through a Microscope

When you get bored of looking at the world with your own eyes why not look at it trough a microscope? It seems that there are two worlds – the world of huge things that we see everyday (a tree, a car, etc..) and a micro world of incredibly small things. Just looking at the…

Surreal and Playful Furniture By Lila Jang

Surreal and Playful Furniture By Lila Jang

[tps_header] There’s basic Ikea furniture, there’s fancy furniture for offices , and then there’s these creative and surreal artist furniture pieces by Lila Jang, a sculptor from South Korea who created twisted and bloated versions of 18th-century French furniture. Jang’s work is inspired by problems that many of us can probably relate to. The space…

Incredibly Realistic Baby Animal Toys By Lee Cross

Incredibly Realistic Baby Animal Toys By Lee Cross

[tps_header] Lee Cross, a talented sculptor from Alaska who also goes by Wood Splitter Lee, has mastered the craft of creating poseable plush animals that look convincingly life-like. Lee starts with a poseable skeleton that she then wraps in stuffing, making it soft. Each is then covered with cloth and hand-decorated with synthetic fur and…

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