Before and After Portraits Reveal the Effects of Time and Aging

Before and After Portraits Reveal the Effects of Time and Aging

[tps_header] As we grow old, we don’t even notice all the small changes that happen to us daily. In her portrait series called Identities, London-based photographer Ana Oliveira observes how people change as they grow older. Ana’s models would provide her with pictures of themselves from the past, and she tries to recreate the original…

A Dying Squirrel Gets Help From a Kind Warrant Officer

A Dying Squirrel Gets Help From a Kind Warrant Officer

You know a man is kind hearted when he shows those creatures below him utmost respect. They often say to judge a man by how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. When one warrant officer came across a dying squirrel, he not only saved its life. He became its best friend. If this doesn’t…

Jeep’s Clever Ad Campaign Works Just As Well Upside Down

Jeep’s Clever Ad Campaign Works Just As Well Upside Down

Leo Burnett, a prestigious international ad agency, created a brilliant 3-image optical illusion ad campaign for Jeep in France with the motto “See whatever you want to see” that merited a gold award for press at Cannes Lions.  At first, the 3 images in this ad campaign might look like nothing special – just dark…

Over-The-Top Wedding Reception Recreates the Heavens

Over-The-Top Wedding Reception Recreates the Heavens

When a wedding reception has a title, like a piece of art or a play, you know it’s going to be good, but it also might be so-bad-it’s-good. The wedding reception you see below is for an artist who collaborated with the design team. This is the aftermath of a wedding held in Dubai and…

Neighbors Kept Getting Items Stolen Until They Caught The Weird Culprit: A Cat.

Neighbors Kept Getting Items Stolen Until They Caught The Weird Culprit: A Cat.

Residents in a neighborhood of San Mateo, California, were uneasy. Items kept going missing from their homes without any reasonable explanation. Was there a thief in their midsts? Or worse, a sticky-finger poltergeist? The residents and local authorities were eager to put an end to all of the robberies, so cameras were set up throughout…

Fabulous Street Art that will make you AWESTRUCK!

Fabulous Street Art that will make you AWESTRUCK!

[tps_header] You’ve seen images being drawn on the streets, but who would’ve ever imagined someone taking it to the next level. Check out this street art by French artist, Oak Oak. His mastery is in drawing tiny, small characters on the street that blend so well with the surroundings that they’d make anyone awestruck. His cleverness…

‘Jews and Arabs Refuse to be Enemies’ Campaign Supported by Thousands

‘Jews and Arabs Refuse to be Enemies’ Campaign Supported by Thousands

Amidst all the hatred brought about by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza, Jews and Arabs from all over the world rallied behind a campaign to eradicate hatred between the two cultures and to call for an immediate stop to the still ongoing battle in the war-torn region. The campaign, #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies, which was first started by…

Stupid Driver Crashed His Car While Staring at Prostitutes

Stupid Driver Crashed His Car While Staring at Prostitutes

Two prostitutes decided to grab motorists attention by strutting through a pedestrian lane at a town reportedly located in the Russian Federation. One of them started walking pompously down the crosswalk, hoping to catch the attention of potential clients as they drive down the street, while the other one started to do the same from…

Mickey Mouse and Spongebob Caught on Video in a Bizarre Road Rage

Mickey Mouse and Spongebob Caught on Video in a Bizarre Road Rage

Even the ever-decent Disney superstar Mickey Mouse seemed to have lost his decency as he appears to have succumbed to his dark side in a road rage caught on tape in Russia. The world’s most famous mouse was accompanied by three of his animated friends, including Nickelodeon’s Spongebob Squarepants and two other unidentified cartoon characters…

Odd-shaped Fruit Mimics Nicki Minaj’s Behind; 8 Others Try To Make Their Own Impression

Odd-shaped Fruit Mimics Nicki Minaj’s Behind; 8 Others Try To Make Their Own Impression

A farmer in Japan made a hilarious discovery when he found a one-of-a-kind watermelon. Mitsuo Shibuta, a 58-year-old farmer, found a “futago suika” apparently doing an impressive impression of the world-famous American rapper singer-songwriter Nicki Minaj… Or at least one of her equally-famous body parts. A “futago suika” is a conjoined watermelon, which, apparently, is…

Marvel and DC Superheroes Trade Masculine Costumes For Hello Kitty-fied Super Suits

Marvel and DC Superheroes Trade Masculine Costumes For Hello Kitty-fied Super Suits

[tps_header]Although some people still insist on equating the color with femininity, real men wear pink (and purple). This has been proven to be true by a bunch of uber-masculine all-star superheroes including the likes of Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman, Superman, and Batman when they traded off their macho costumes and war-torn shields for…

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