10 Baby Photo Shots You’ll Wish You Had Thought Of…Except For #7.

10 Baby Photo Shots You’ll Wish You Had Thought Of…Except For #7.

  [tps_header] We let out a sigh of relief knowing that we were born decades before these babies were– at a time where parents and photographers weren’t as imaginative. And deranged. But you have to admit, these babies are just tooooo cute! [/tps_header]   1. Which kind of a pumpkin are you? Pumpkin no. 1…

So Finally, Ebola can now be stopped from spreading, and in under 5 minutes!

So Finally, Ebola can now be stopped from spreading, and in under 5 minutes!

A few days ago, Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian man and the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, died at a Texas hospital. As fear ramps up around the Ebola virus and fever screenings are put in place at selected airports across the country, the public’s fear seems to be growing out…

LogicGoat giveaway: Win an iPhone 6

LogicGoat giveaway: Win an iPhone 6

LogicGoat is giving away one latest Apple iphone6 device to one lucky reader for FREE! That’s right! FREE. No strings attached. Are you as excited for the iPhone 6 as we are?!?  A ton of you were able to pre-order last week. A bunch more of you were in line at stores all over the…

World’s Most Giant And Gross Insects!! MUST SEE TO BELIEVE!

World’s Most Giant And Gross Insects!! MUST SEE TO BELIEVE!

[tps_header] This list of horrifying bugs barely scratches the surface of the creepy-crawlies that exist around the world. (Guess which ones you can find in your own home.) [/tps_header]  Giant Weta: Say hello to the spine tingling Giant Weta. What is a Giant Weta, you ask? Well, it’s a gigantic cricket-like insect that’s also the…

Concrete Made From Bacteria and Urine: Would You Live in a House Made of It?

Concrete Made From Bacteria and Urine: Would You Live in a House Made of It?

A design student at the University of Edinburgh has made a marvelous discovery of using a bacteria and urine component coupled with sand to make up a concrete alternative. The student, Peter Trimble, was in the process of conceiving an idea for an artistic exhibit which was aimed at showcasing sustainability, when he stumbled upon…

10 Unsuspecting Foods You Never Would Have Thought Were Deadly!

10 Unsuspecting Foods You Never Would Have Thought Were Deadly!

  [tps_header] Curiosity kills the cat. Always. So before you waste your life away by giving in to your curious mind, you might want to go through this list of potentially deadly foods before you embark on a new adventure. Tempting as they may look, they can leave you seriously ill if they haven’t already…

The Truth Will Set You Free And Also Make You LOL. Brutal Can Be Good.

The Truth Will Set You Free And Also Make You LOL. Brutal Can Be Good.

  [tps_header] It’s always nice when a sign cuts to the chase and doesn’t dance around the point it’s trying to make. Sure, “stop” and “yield” are straightforward, but they’re also boring.. I want more from a sign than just directions. I want to be able to get a laugh out of it, too. If…

This Snake Surprise Is The Opposite Of What Anyone Would Want. Oh, My. NOPE.

This Snake Surprise Is The Opposite Of What Anyone Would Want. Oh, My. NOPE.

What’s your worst nightmare? Is it someone entering your home? Perhaps it’s falling off a super tall building? Personally, I cringe at the thought of finding snakes anywhere within a 5 foot radius of my person. But finding them in the toilet or bathroom? That’s even worse. That’s why when I saw what happened recently…

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