Does My Dog Know How I’m Feeling?

Does My Dog Know How I’m Feeling?

Any dog lover or owner can attest to the fact that nothing makes you feel better on a sad day quite like having your furry friend curl up on your lap and lick your tears away. Why are dogs so good at guessing when we need comforting? Does My Dog Know How I’m Feeling? Believe…

How Do Big Cats Feel About Catnip?

How Do Big Cats Feel About Catnip?

  Your little predator loses its mind over catnip, but is the zeal shared by her big-cat relatives? It sure is! Biologists and zoologists have known since at least the 1970’s that big cats can be just as gaga for catnip as their more compact brethren. The first study on record was performed by researchers…

What’s The History Behind Military Bugle Calls?

What’s The History Behind Military Bugle Calls?

  The idea of a battle song – a marching tune, set to inspire fear in the enemy while inspiring the troops – has been around since bible times, when Joshua felled the walls of Jericho. But did you know that musical instruments like guitar were used even by the American military to communicate before…

What Is A Chinese Fire Drill?

What Is A Chinese Fire Drill?

  Have you ever heard of a Chinese fire drill? If not, maybe you’ve seen one take place and not even known it. A Chinese fire drill is when a car stops (like at a red light or stop sign) and everyone in the car gets out, runs around the car, gets back in, and…

Where Does The Term Spam Come From?

Where Does The Term Spam Come From?

  SPAM the meat is a delicious (or disgusting, depending on your personal opinion) treat beloved by Americans for generation, especially Hawaiians. Made by Hormel Foods, it gets its name as a condensed form of “spiced ham” and was created in 1937. But how did the word “spam” become synonymous with chain and advertisement emails…

How Long Was The Longest Prison Sentence?

How Long Was The Longest Prison Sentence?

  When you’ve been real bad, they give you life in prison. When you’ve been real, real, bad, they might give you life in prison – and then some. And if you’ve been as bad as Ariel Castro, the infamous kidnapper responsible for the capture, rape, abuse, and detainment of three women over the course…

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