What Causes Tornadoes?

What Causes Tornadoes?

  Tornadoes are among the most fearsome and recognizable weather phenomena, ravaging whole communities and homesteads on a yearly basis. They’re no joke, really: in 1925, the infamous Tri-State tornado was responsible for 700 deaths and 15,000 demolished homes in a single night, while 2014 saw the month of April ushering in a total of…

Why is Boston called Beantown?

Why is Boston called Beantown?

Boston goes by a lot of nicknames, but there’s one that just seems to stick a little better than all the others. We’re talking, of course, about “Beantown”. Boston is the largest city in New England, and one has to wonder if Bostonians don’t somewhat resent their silly-sounding nickname. Where does the name come from,…

Who Are The Tony Awards Named After?

Who Are The Tony Awards Named After?

Every year, Broadway’s brightest stars come together to celebrate the year’s best productions and the people responsible for making them happen. The annual Tony Awards is the event for Broadway bigwigs and die-hard fans. But who is Tony, anyway? Where do the famous awards get their name? Who are The Tony Awards named after? Tony…

Are Buffalo and Bison The Same Animal?

Are Buffalo and Bison The Same Animal?

In America, a trip out West isn’t complete unless you take a drive through one of the majestic national parks of Wyoming and Montana, home to bears, wolves, eagles, and buffalo. Or bison. Or both? Aren’t bison and buffalo the same thing? The answer is a rather wishy-washy “yes and no”. It is perfectly reasonable…

Why Does My Cat Always Leave Me “Gifts”?

Why Does My Cat Always Leave Me “Gifts”?

Cats are an enigma: they love you, then they suddenly don’t. They want you to pet them, but only three times, and then they bite. They make great pets, when they’re not tearing apart your home and chasing ghosts around the house in the middle of the night. And the nicest thing of all? They…

How Are Sinkholes Formed?

How Are Sinkholes Formed?

  When a sinkhole opens up in the middle of a college football field, people tend to take notice. When that sinkhole measures 30 by 50 feet across and 40 feet deep, that’s even more interesting. That’s the size of the sinkhole that opened up at Austin Peay State, and it caused a lot of…

How Do Dolphins Sleep?

How Do Dolphins Sleep?

  Dolphins are mammals, which means they need oxygen to survive. That’s great for those of us humans who like watching dolphins play at the surface of the water, but it begs the question: do dolphins ever get to sleep? For humans, sleep means losing control over all but the most basic bodily functions; we…

Why do zebras have stripes?

Why do zebras have stripes?

The question of why zebras have stripes has been a zoology mystery for as long as humans have known that zebras exist, or at least since the 1870s. Evolution proponents Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace had some famously different ideas about the evolutionary purpose of stripes on a zebra. They’re pretty unique in the…

Why Is It Called A Honeymoon?

Why Is It Called A Honeymoon?

Honeymoons are among the most unique and beautiful experiences of a couple’s life: you get to spend time alone with your beloved, enjoying marriage before the stress kicks in, in a beautiful destination or exciting city. But how did it gets its name? The first time the term pops up in literature is 1542, when…

Her gift reveals he’s about to become a Dad – his response is perfect.

Her gift reveals he’s about to become a Dad – his response is perfect.

Erica Jackson knew she wanted to surprise her husband with an awesome pregnancy announcement. Right in line with their love of all things animation (Jacob even wrote her a children’s book to propose), she came up with the perfect idea to put the announcement on the back of a beautiful print from the movie “Up,”…

Can I Make A Citizen’s Arrest?

Can I Make A Citizen’s Arrest?

  A citizen’s arrest according to Tampa expungements  is the ability of a non-uniformed, un-trained member of the general populace to bring a criminal to justice; it’s almost like a form of vigilante justice, except that it’s ostensibly legal and encouraged as long as the bad guy really is a bad guy. But who can…

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