20 Cheese Ball Recipes You Must Learn To Make

20 Cheese Ball Recipes You Must Learn To Make

[tps_header]The words “cheese ball” might make you remember that boring dish your aunt brings every Christmas. Well, cheese ball isn’t actually as boring as you think. They can be scrumptious appetizers which can be sweet, savory, or anything in between. Get ready because these cheese ball recipes will change the way you think about cheese…

Top 20  Happiest Dogs Showing Their Best Smiles

Top 20 Happiest Dogs Showing Their Best Smiles

[tps_header]Dogs never cease to be adorable. They are not only known to be a loyal pal but are also considered as one of the jolliest and happiest animals in the world. Let’s take a look at some of the most adorable shots of the happiest dogs wearing their best smiles. [/tps_header] 1. Just give your lips some curve.

12 Easy and Cheap Dorm Room Hacks

12 Easy and Cheap Dorm Room Hacks

[tps_header]When the air starts turning crisp and the smell of new notebooks fills the air, it can only mean one thing: back to school! But, for some students, it’s not really “back” to school. It’s off to a new school! If you’re headed to your first semester in the dorms, or even if you’re going…

10 Weird Ways To Use Coca-Cola

10 Weird Ways To Use Coca-Cola

[tps_header]Are you a soda addict? Chances are, you’ve heard plenty of people putting down products like Pepsi and Coke for being bad for people. And those detractors have a point: sugary sodas are full of bad-for-you nutrients, chemicals, and weird stuff we can’t pronounce. One way to wean yourself off the soda bottle is to…

10 Things Only Introverts Can Understand

10 Things Only Introverts Can Understand

[tps_header]We can’t all be Miley Cyrus. For some people, just waking up and leaving the house is something that takes mental energy and preparation. They’re not weird or sick, they’re just shy. Really, really shy. Shy people live in a much different world than extroverted people; in the shy person’s world, things like eye contact…

20 Signs That Your Thirties Are Just Around the Corner

20 Signs That Your Thirties Are Just Around the Corner

[tps_header]The twenties just ain’t what they used to be. The age, that is, not the era in history. At any rate, it’s a brave new world and it seems like we’re all taking more time to grow up and grow old. But like it or not, the bell tolls for all of us at some…

10 Horrible Video Game Films That Flopped

10 Horrible Video Game Films That Flopped

[tps_header]Lots of people of all walks of life, living all over the globe, like to play video games or watch movies in their spare time. Some people really, really like playing video games. Some people really, really like movies. And then there are people who LOVE video games, and people who LOVE movies. And when…

10 Dads Who Are Doing Fatherhood Correctly

10 Dads Who Are Doing Fatherhood Correctly

[tps_header]What makes a good dad? Well, an endless supply of dad jokes helps. And you’ll definitely need some good dad lectures, too, like “why you can’t stay out after curfew” and “why you shouldn’t lie about feeding the dog a whole rack of bacon”. But what makes a really, really great dad is simple: being…

20 Jobs You Didn’t Know You Could Have

20 Jobs You Didn’t Know You Could Have

[tps_header]If you work hard, you deserve to live well. That’s the foundation of the American Dream. But there’s no requirements as to what sort of work you need to be doing. If the average, everyday, white collar 9-5 isn’t your thing, and you also don’t want to fix cars and toilets, you might need to…

10 Flowers That You Won’t Believe Exist

10 Flowers That You Won’t Believe Exist

[tps_header]Some flowers are famous for their beautiful appearance. Some are famous for their beautiful fragrance. Some are famous for their homeopathic properties. You probably have your own personal favorites, from the puffball hydrangea to the delicate lily of the valley. But get a load of these ten bizarre flowers from across the globe, sure to…

10 Weird Things You Can Actually Major In

10 Weird Things You Can Actually Major In

[tps_header]Most people major in one of a few fields. You’ve got your liberal arts students in History or English or Philosophy, who tend to graduate with a lot of worries about their careers. There are business majors and accountants, who can be assured of a nice and well paid job as long you have some…

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