These 20 Adorable Cats Don’t Seem To Know Where To Sleep

These 20 Adorable Cats Don’t Seem To Know Where To Sleep

[tps_header]Cats can be rude and bossy, or sweet and clingy, but most of the time, they’re weird and unpredictable. We often see our cats walking on the edges of thin bookshelves, swinging on chandeliers like Sia, or jumping out of the window for a sneaky escape. Those stuff were just “mild” levels of weirdness. Cats are the weirdest  whenever they decide…

These 20 Animals Hilariously Look Awkward As They Smile For the Camera

These 20 Animals Hilariously Look Awkward As They Smile For the Camera

[tps_header]As you visit different sites and scroll down on pages, it’s common for you to see perfect, adorable pictures of animals. Just like humans, animals also have different levels of cuteness. Some are naturally photogenic, while others can look extremely (but adorably) awkward on camera. These 20 animals will prove to you that even with their awkward smiles,…

These 20 Super Cute Hamsters Will Make You Rush To The Pet Store In A Jiffy

These 20 Super Cute Hamsters Will Make You Rush To The Pet Store In A Jiffy

[tps_header]Hamsters are literally one of the most adorable creatures. Everything about them just makes a lot of us fall in love. Hamsters are related to rats. Some even say they’re part of the Rat Family. If that’s the case, why not pet rats or mice? Let’s just settle things out logically. Domestic rats can be pets, but with their extra-large…

20 Truths That Make Every Woman’s Shopping Experience a Living Hell

20 Truths That Make Every Woman’s Shopping Experience a Living Hell

[tps_header]Without a doubt, women love to shop. There’s nothing more blissful than splurging for clothes and knowing you look fabulous in them. But to get to that magical feeling, women have to go through an obstacle course of these horrible shopping epiphanies. [/tps_header] 1. Clothes with bright, colorful prints and the rest of your wardrobe don’t…

22 Rare Genetically Abnormal Animals That Are Going To Surprise You

22 Rare Genetically Abnormal Animals That Are Going To Surprise You

[tps_header]Albinism is nothing new among rodents like mice, guinea pigs and rats. These animals can be absolutely white, without the touch of any other colored patch in their body. It is surprising but absolutely true that this kind of phenomenon is prevalent among other species as well. These species can be scaled or furry, but…

20 Pinterest Fails That’ll Motivate You To Work Harder In Making Your Own Crafts

20 Pinterest Fails That’ll Motivate You To Work Harder In Making Your Own Crafts

[tps_header]There are two types of people in the world of Pinterest. One is the type that is an unbelievably talented type of crafter. You know, the type of crafter you always get jealous of? One simple glance at a Pinterest-inspired craft, and they can replicate it effortlessly. Some call them the “blessed ones”. The other type…

Top 20 reigning queens of the world

Top 20 reigning queens of the world

[tps_header]Men are real superpowers of the world, but women are truly the ones who bestow superpowers to this world. The discussion has always been in air whether women are equally capable to men in every field. Well, the answer is implied in this list of 20 most powerful women in the world. Women cannot be…

20 Awesome Groomsmen Pictures, #14 Will Make Your Day

20 Awesome Groomsmen Pictures, #14 Will Make Your Day

[tps_header]Your friend could be married, but you can’t help it, boys will be boys. So, groomsmen everywhere, hold on to your seats and prepare to be amazed. Here is a list of pictures that might inspire you to give it all and do something crazy, fun, and just all-out awesome! [/tps_header]   1. How electrifying is this?

20 Breathtaking Instagram Pictures – Real or Not Real?

20 Breathtaking Instagram Pictures – Real or Not Real?

[tps_header]You see many people post a lot of beautiful pictures in instagram and you find yourself saying, “Wow! What beautiful places she’s been to! What delicious food he’s eaten!” However, are these pictures really real? Or is cropping an insta picture deceiving us into thinking the world in only made up of beautiful things? Let’s…

20 Bizarre Superstitious Beliefs

20 Bizarre Superstitious Beliefs

[tps_header]From what I read in the dictionary, Superstitions are illogical beliefs garnered from apprehension or the lack of awareness. In almost all parts of our everyday lives, superstitions, mostly without a concrete origin, are being practiced by some people. Certain superstitions may seem reasonable (Like not allowing someone to walk under a ladder) but the…

Knowing These 20 Peculiar Things Will Make You Go Crazy

Knowing These 20 Peculiar Things Will Make You Go Crazy

[tps_header] We all know that the world is a bit odd and mysterious, and what makes things weirder is when you learn these ten things which can make life either interesting or uncanny. [/tps_header] 1. One gore movie scene in Psycho used Hershey’s syrup to show off that red live blood  

20 Cheese Ball Recipes You Must Learn To Make

20 Cheese Ball Recipes You Must Learn To Make

[tps_header]The words “cheese ball” might make you remember that boring dish your aunt brings every Christmas. Well, cheese ball isn’t actually as boring as you think. They can be scrumptious appetizers which can be sweet, savory, or anything in between. Get ready because these cheese ball recipes will change the way you think about cheese…

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