What causes brain freeze?
Brain freeze is triggered when the cold substance that you’ve eaten touches the back of the mouth and stimulates the blood vessels and nerves in this area.
Brain freeze is triggered when the cold substance that you’ve eaten touches the back of the mouth and stimulates the blood vessels and nerves in this area.
It’s called “dry cleaning”, but actually, it’s not that dry. It just doesn’t use water, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t use other liquids to clean your clothes. So, first and foremost, let’s put things straight: What is dry cleaning? It’s a cleaning process other than the soap-and-water cleaning that we’re doing at home, but…
You’ve got to admit it: the human body is amazing. Whoever built it was a genius. Our body is sometimes, even smarter than we are, being able to heal itself and taking care of its needs individual of our knowledge. There are times, though, when it signals you saying “hey, I’m working hard to keep…
Does your dog like chocolate? Does he wag his tail when he hears a chocolate bar being opened? Does he look at you like he’s the hungriest little dog in the world when you eat that chocolate? Do you find it so hard to resist his puppy eyes? We’ve all been there and we should…
This question became famous when Microsoft began to use it as a job interview question and let’s face it, had you ever considered it before? Manhole covers are just there for you to walk over them. You notice them, you know they’re round, but asking yourself why didn’t seem like a big deal, did it?…
You’ve probably happened to catch your dog dreaming. You know, when he’s moving his legs in his sleep and I’m pretty sure there are some videos on the internet with dogs doing all sorts of funny things in their sleep. This means they are dreaming. The question is, how are they dreaming? Are they dreaming…
There are a lot of specialists who claim that dogs actually dream in their sleep, much like us, humans do. It might actually be embedded in the very biology of a lot of other mammals, including, cats, rats, elephants, monkeys or shrews. They all experience REM, which is what happens about 90 minutes after you…
These two species have been with us since the very beginning of our modern lives and further back than that. They’re human’s best friends. We’ve been training them, loving them, living with them and we developed a very strong bond with them that this question is bound to hurt us a little. Which are smarter:…
Well, well, dogs can be smarter than humans. It just depends on what you mean by “smart”. Dogs will never be able to build computers, solve math problems or build the tallest building in the world, but they won’t mess things up like we do, they won’t destroy their environment, kill each other for pride…
Some three-four years ago, there was a study going around the Internet which proved that pigs were smarter than dogs. It hit the dog owners and lovers quite hard in the head. How could a pig, that we consider much inferior by default, be more intelligent than a dog, right? But then again, if you…
You’ve probably watched your dog closely and seen him drink water countless of times. Have you ever wondered how does he actually do that? I mean, obviously, he cannot just put a bottle or a glass to his mouth and drink like us, humans, instead he sticks his tongue in it and starts lapping at…
That purrfect sound your cat makes when she’s on your lap or kneading you, that peaceful sensation you get when you’re pampering her and she thanks you with her purr…these are some of the reasons why you shall have a cat by your house. You’ve probably wondered, though, why does she do it and, most…
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