Cyborg Taking Humans To a New Level. 3 Cheers To Our Futuristic Living Beings!
Bio technology is one of the fieldz that is making a huge impact on the future of humanity. We have already seen how bio technology has impacted the mainstream with the invention of wearable devices that can track our heart rate and other vital signs. Now, many people are working on this field to take it to a new level and becoming modern day cyborgs. Some of them are good but some are really freaky.
With the arrival of this technology, we could say that we have stepped into the future. A future which is not marked by jet packs or flying cars but devices that enhance human abilities.
1.) Amal Graafstra has RFID chips implanted in his hands. He’s programmed the chips to do a few different things for him like unlocking his car, and home. He also runs a company that sells DIY chip implants.
Amal Graafstra
Hack A Day
Check out a talk Graafstra gave about his implants.
2.) Neil Harbisson has an antenna implanted in his head. Harbisson is extremely colorblind, and the antenna allows him to experience color as sounds and musical notes in the brain.
Harbisson and James Cameron.
In 2013, Harbisson and his implant were the subject of an award winning documentary. Check it out below.
CYBORG FOUNDATION | Rafel Duran Torrent from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.
3.) Tim Cannon invented a device that monitors all of his vital signs. It’s called the Circadia, and it synchs up with his home computer systems.
The Circadia before it was implanted.
Vice News
Learn more about Tim’s implant in this mini documentary from Vice News.
4.) Adi Robertson has a magnetic implant in her hand. The magnet gives her the ability to levitate small metal objects.
5.) Professor Kevin Warwick has an implant that links his brain up to a computer. He can use the computer to control lights, heaters, and other computers.
Check out this TED Talk Professor Warwick did on implants and technology.
6.) Moon Ribas is a choreographer and cyborg activist. She has a sensor implanted in the back of her head that that alerts her to people approaching from behind.
Cyborg Foundation
Here she is discussing her new senses during a TED conference.
(H/T: Business Insider)
We should appreciate the efforts of the people who have worked hard to make this a reality.