10 Iconic Actresses Who Tragically Ended Their Lives

6. Jill Bennett

#NAME 10 Iconic Actresses Who Tragically Ended Their Lives


Renowned on the stage during the ’60s and ’70s in everything from classical theater to drama and comedy, she is especially memorable as Hedda in her husband and playwright John Osborne’s 1972 adaptation of Hedda Gabler. Today, she is most known for her television and film roles, which can be found in movies like Moulin Rouge, Lust for Life, and The Sheltering Sky.

Although she was generally insecure and viewed herself as ugly, she was known for her intelligence, wit, and the emotional vulnerability she projected in her parts. However, struggling with a constant sense of failure and a difficult relationship with a Swiss businessman, she finally ended her suffering with an overdose of sleeping pills in 1990.